echo 'user_pref("dom.private-attribution.submission.enabled", false);' | tee -a $HOME/.mozilla/firefox/$(grep "Default=.*\.default*" "$HOME/.mozilla/firefox/profiles.ini" | cut -d"=" -f2)/user.js echo 'Restart Firefox for the change to have effect' # What is this about? Read more here: # # # # How to use: # curl | sh # # # # Verify, or do it manually: # # about:config # # dom.private-attribution.submission.enabled # # set to false # # # # # Report issues to, but # don't complain about curl | sh please. # I have only tested this on Fedora, let # me know if it worked or not on others. # # I am aware there are Firefox forks that # have sane defaults with regards to this # and other aspects. I prefer keep using # Firefox itself, because maintaining a # browser is an incredible difficult job # and I don't trust small projects to be # able to this, despite that my trust in # Mozilla is pretty low these days. # # Inspired by